- Download the module from https://static.hum.works/downloads/drupal/hum_drupal_7.zip
- Upload the module:
3. Go to “Extend” (in Drupal admin part) (or https://your_site_url/admin/modules)
4. Navigate to module “HUM Integration” in “custom” section, select it and install
5. Go to “Configuration” and Click “Hum integration” in System section
6. On Settings Page Enter the following values
6. 1. Main settings:
- Cdp url: https://<client>.hum.works/api
- Cdp privileged api key: provided separately
- Cdp prefix: provided separately
6. 2. Additional Settings: select content types for synchronization (select taxonomy for categories and taxonomy for tags). Turn on the synchronization – Activate Sync Allowed for selected content type
If you have contents that should not be sent to Hum for full text indexing, don’t turn on the Sync Allowed.
6.3. Security Settings: Enter or generate api key (create an api key for your site). Note: This key will need to be provided back to hum.
Example of configuration:
If you use the Domain module, you can set the Save settings for → All domain
7. Save Changes
8. Send Hum the api key chosen for the backfile load via a secure method to Hum to initiate the backfile download.