Small image showing 4 primary audience metrics.

Within Hum, there are 4 main categories used throughout the dashboard that are broadly applied to help understand your audience.

  • Total Audience

    • Total audience represents the total anonymous and total identified profiles added together. The connected profiles aren’t included in this addition because if a profile is connected, then it is also identified.
  • Anonymous

    • Anonymous represents the total number of audience profiles where Hum does NOT have an email address for those profiles. 
    • An example of this is if a person simply accesses the homepage of your website
  • Identified

    • Identified represents the total number of audience profiles where Hum does have an email address for those profiles.
    • An example of this would be if someone accesses the homepage of your website and fills out a web form with their first name, last name, and email address or simply creates/logs in to an account.
      • When this is done, we update the Hum user profile automatically to include their demographic information.
  • Connected

    • Connected represents profiles that are Identified AND attributing website activity to the profile. This could also be a person who is part of a membership program with you.
    • An example of this would be if someone creates an account on your site with a profile that contains demographic information – this person would then accept cookies on the site which allows Hum to know what is done every time this user returns and accesses your site. You would then be able to see which articles, blog posts, event pages, etc. that they access.