Small image showing the primary content metrics.

There are many different metrics on content profiles to help inform how people are interacting with content in a more detailed way. The most common metrics you will see on content profiles are:

  • Score
    • An engagement score determined by an algorithm designed by Hum – the higher the engagement score, the more engaged your audience is with that piece of content.
      • The engagement score takes all other metrics into account (weighted) to determine the score. A page with 10 pageviews but no scrolls would most likely have a lower engagement score than a page with 7 pageviews and 5 scrolls.
      • Please inquire with your Account Manager if you would like more details about how engagement score is determined.
  • Pageview
    • The amount of views the page has accrued. This does not take into account actions once on the page.
  • Post-read-start
    • The amount of people that started reading or interacting with a piece of content. This is determined by a mix of scroll and time spent on the page.
  • Post-read-mid
    • The amount of people that got to the middle reading or interacting with a piece of content. This is determined by a mix of scroll and time spent on the page.
  • Post-read-end
    • The amount of people that finished reading or interacting with a piece of content. This is determined by a mix of scroll and time spent on the page.
  • Scroll
    • The amount of scrolls on a particular page.
    • Note: One pageview can result in multiple scrolls

Additional metrics can be added as requested. Some common additions that have been implemented in the past are:

  • Likes, Dislikes, & Unlikes
  • Subscriptions
  • Downloads